Cairo: The land of discovery

Cairo, the land of discovery…. in fact that is all of Egypt. There are active excavation sites everywhere. They are always finding some new tomb or ancient treasure. It is really quite astonishing when you think of it, that there is so much more to uncover in the sand. For the avid traveler this is great news because every time  you visit Egypt you are  guaranteed to see something new!

On our first day in Cairo, we were greeted by our Memphis Tour guide, Hoda but her nick name is Dee Dee. She has been a tour guide for years. She was a walking encyclopedia, well versed in the history and culture of the ancient Egyptians. She was so kind and welcoming and was eager to share her culture with us, which we are so grateful for. She helped us to feel comfortable and safe. We were escorted to our private, WiFi enabled vehicle and started our day, first stop- Memphis.

Memphis was the original capital of Egypt, where it is believed the first Pharaoh ruled in 3,100 BC.  Now an outdoor museum, you can see sculptures such as the colossus of Pharaoh Rameses II and the first alabaster sphinx. Memphis located in the mouth of the Nile River was eventually abandoned during the 7th Century due to the first Muslim invasion.


After Memphis, we traveled to Saqqara- home to the Step Pyramid. This pyramid is pretty amazing because it was the first and basically their learning curve- hey we all have to start somewhere am I right?! Imhotep decided to make a burial site for the dead pharaoh. These burial sites were usually a rectangle shaped building with a flat roof. Since you couldn’t really see this smaller structure from far away they decided to build it up like steps leading to heaven.  Py Ra Mid, has a lose translation meaning stairway to heaven to god Ra. This complex is massive and is surrounded by very tall walls, with many false doors to deter tomb raiders.

From the Saqqara, you can see in the distance the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid. The Bent Pyramid, which I am guessing is the second attempt at a pyramid, is bent because half way up the slope changes drastically. The Red Pyramid is the first of the Pyramid to have the smooth slope, like those in Giza. The reason they call it the Red Pyramid is because of the way the stone glows at sunset.

After a traditional Egyptian lunch of bread, baba ganoush, tahini, kababs, humus and so much more we set off to see the Pyramids. The Pyramids of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is  home to the Great Pyramid of Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinus. This is the old stuff, this is what we came to see! I was so excited; I can’t even describe to you the feeling to stand in front of this massive structure. All I could do was stand in aw with my mouth agape. The moment is quickly killed by locals hawking their wears and who can blame them. Tourism is the way the locals survive and with a drop of around 70% in tourists visiting from year 2010 to 2016, the industry and people are suffering.


There is an option to go inside of the large pyramid for an extra fee. We were advised against it as it was a very long journey deep inside and as you can imagine you are basically crawling down the shaft.  We were able to go inside one of the smaller pyramids that was built for one of the queens and let me tell you that was enough for me. It was narrow, dark, and full of smelly tourists. After checking out the sites, we were taken to the top of the hill and negotiated a camel ride. Chris was offered “1 million camel for your wife”, to which he replied “sold!” but then our guide argued with him and said “no she is worth 2 million for sure.” Yea he was working for that tip, but it reminded me of Blues Brothers (anyone else get that reference?) It was a fantastic experience, with a view of the entire complex.


On our way out of Giza, we stopped off to see the Sphinx. One of the best fun facts from this day was that the sphinx was really just an afterthought. While making the funeral temples for the pharaohs the quarry wasn’t a site to behold. The pharaoh didn’t like that and told his architect to make something grand and so he did. He made a Sphinx with the head of the Pharaoh and the body of a lion. Inside the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is a smaller statue of what the sphinx actually looks like- see below. The Sphinx lost his nose, thanks to Napoleon and his troops who used it as target practice. With that being said, imagine the entire structure being covered in sand to only leave the top of the head for them to shoot at… that was a major excavation!


Travel Tips:

  • Stick with your guide. They are great to tell the local merchants to get lost if you are being harassed.
  • Do not talk to anyone except your guide. We found that once someone was talking to us and when we acknowledged them just to be nice they would expect a tip. Easier if you just ignore them and go about checking out the site.
  • Forget the long trek inside the large pyramid- go for the smaller trek in the queen’s tomb.
  • Always ask to take someone’s photo. I had grabbed a couple of quick shots to which my guide pointed out (culturally) they always appreciate if they are asked first.
  • Never give a tip until you are finished with the service. For example our camel ride guide kept asking for his tip while we were very far away from where we started. I thought if we gave him a tip now and he didn’t like it he would make us walk back.
  • Carry USD. The merchants, tour guides, drivers, everyone prefers if you have USD to the Egyptian Pound.
  • Take your kids! There is nothing scary about Cairo or these sites. We were in the busy season at Easter and we had a great time and never felt unsafe.



“Are you crazy? Why Egypt?”

And to that I say “WHY NOT!?”

The big 1-0 wedding anniversary is this year… that’s 15 years together as a couple and that is something to celebrate. We desperately miss the ability to travel and decided (with the help of wonderful grandparents who offered to help with the kids) we would set off on an adventure. We didn’t want to just sit on a beach for a week with our umbrella cocktails but instead sought out something exciting- Chris is too much like Clark Griswold to allow for any relaxation.

Our original thoughts were to travel to Peru to trek the Incan Trail to see Machu Picchu. After figuring in the trek on the trail, the time for the altitude adjustment, and flights we simply didn’t have enough time off to make that happen. So it was back to the drawing board. Next up, let’s go to Italy! Just like the book we can eat, pray and …. Well once that idea was stuck in our heads we looked back at the calendar to discover we were traveling on Good Friday and landing on Easter weekend in Rome. Being Catholic, we couldn’t simply land in Rome and not go straight to Easter Mass. Chris panicked a little at the thought of Easter Mass crowds at St. Peters and suggested we start at the other end of the country to which I scoffed and said “Nope. We can’t even be in the country if that is the case. We need a new plan.”

Then we thought of Morocco and the South of Spain. In looking at the map, I saw how close Egypt was and thought well that would be cool and I needed to mark Africa off of the “continents visited list” anyway so I started to research.

Luckily, I came across a travel company called Memphis Tours. Their packaged trips looked really interesting so I started researching their company and reading many, many reviews. Once I was satisfied, I decided to shoot them an email to see if the trip plan could be altered to add an extra day or so. Mohammed wrote right back and worked with me to create a very detailed itinerary (which will be addressed in additional more detailed posts). I simply cannot say enough about Memphis Tours- they were fantastic! They handled every aspect of our trip. We booked the flight but other than that Memphis Tours and their team took care of everything else. We were picked up at the Cairo International Airport, where another gentleman dressed in a suit named Mohammed picked us up, completed our visa forms, handled the customs/immigration desk and put us safely in the air conditioned, Wi-Fi enabled van that lead us through the heart of Cairo to Les Meridian Pyramids.

There is not one reason why I would not travel to Egypt again. It was Spring Break for most who we interacted with and many of them where taking family trips with children of all ages. We never once felt uneasy (well maybe once but that story is still to come) and felt extremely safe especially since we had a tour guide and driver everywhere we went. We loved every minute of the culture, food, sights, sounds, and I hope the series of blog posts that are to come about our trip will help you to fall in love with this ancient civilizations and consider taking a trip to this amazing destination.

Does mom know best?


I like to think that I know best when it comes to my kids. I know what the cries mean, I know what the faces mean, I know when they are tired, hungry, need to pee, etc. I had this plan to “help my child” acclimate to our new environment because I thought I “knew” that was best. I had planned to start working the beginning of February and would take the month of January to get established, play school, and do “mom” stuff; not that I knew what that was really…

We tried doing “school time” at home. That quickly ended. I am not a teacher; I don’t pretend to have the patience of a teacher. I believe teachers (the good ones anyway) should be in the running for sainthood simply because they do not strangle our children by 3pm. I mean I can barely handle the one and they deal with 20 at the same time? There would not be enough wine in the world to peel me from the rafters after a day with 20 kids. Heck come 5pm, I am cracking open the bottle. I miss Odie asking me “is it 5 already?” I think of her every time it’s time for wine simply because she was one of those people that had the ability to be so kind and patient to kids no matter what… again another candidate for sainthood.

I digress, my son quickly informed me that I “was not school.” That is when I knew I had to get him to preschool and he needed friends. On top of the fact that he would ask to go play at Chick-fil-a on a daily basis and that was not an option. I started calling all around town asking for a spot for both kids to attend daycare/preschool and thankfully there was one location that did not have a waiting list a mile long.

This morning was our first day of preschool. He was pumped! We arrive to the school, get both kids out of the car and as we are waiting for someone to unlock the door he looks at me and says “Bye mom!” “Whoa wait a minute boy! I plan on walking you in and saying goodbye.” He says “well I am just saying goodbye because I am going to school and you are going to work.” This put my heart at ease knowing he was so ready and happy. With his Star Wars lunchbox he headed off and I was able to walk away in peace. Dropping off Mia was another story… I about lost it but that’s a story for another day.

Sometimes we think we know best. We make a plan and we KNOW that is how it will go. Other times we are humbled by circumstances that show us we aren’t in control and that we need to roll with it and more times than not it all works out. God always has a plan.

Are Southerners losing their charm?

I had left a place which claims “Smiling faces. Beautiful places.” to go to the “Land of Smiles.” Thailand lived up to their name but upon returning to the south I have found people aren’t as friendly as I remember. At the same time I am not sure if this lack of friendliness and helpfulness is a southern problem or a societal problem.

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Can you ever really go home again?   


Yes, yes you can but it isn’t easy. Good lord it isn’t easy. Packing wasn’t so bad but saying goodbye to everything and everyone we knew and loved was heartbreaking. The night before we left, I wept like I never would have imagined. I couldn’t believe how the expat to Bangkok would forever change our lives, our opinions, our perceptions, everything really… It was by far one of the best decisions we ever made.

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IMG_5735Repatriation… I have recently been told it is as hard as expatriating… Something I was completely oblivious to and with only 63 days left in country so many things are swirling around in my mind.

Will I miss the sounds of the city? Will I miss the noise which constantly berates my ear drums? The dull roar of the cars driving by, the horns, the tuktuk mufflers, and the whistles. The flashing lights from the big screen billboards that reflect in the windows of the high rise next to me and on a dark night can illuminate my entire apartment, will that “night light” be missed?

Part of me thinks that when I get home the quiet will be deafening. I won’t even know what to do with the silence of winter. How will that affect me? Will it bring on a sense of loneliness or will it be a long awaited relief? Will my ears ring from the silence or will I still hear these damn whistles in the cold southern night because they are forever ingrained into my subconscious?

Can you really ever go home again? Will it be different? Will the culture shock that we just got “over” here and accepted as the norm make the culture shock of the States that much more difficult? Will we recognize it as familiar? Will we be accepted back into the fold or will we stick out like a sore thumb? Have my world views changed so much that I will never be the same American that I was before? Will I ever be able to look at home the same way again? Will our “American” problems ever be something I can comprehend again with what I have seen here; the poverty, the crime, the hurt experienced by so many people just trying to make it through the day to feed their family?

These questions are just coming up as my time here abroad ends. I’m ready to come home but I am concerned about the unknown. How will my family adjust? Will we be sad to leave everything we know behind? Will we be happy to finally be home? Will our brains feel like they might explode from hearing a language we understand? Will my son be able to comprehend that he can’t eat pineapple everyday (due to having seasons) or that chicken and rice isn’t the usual lunch time meal for kids his age? How long will it take to feel normal again?

There are so many unknowns. Questions which can only be answered with time…. Time I am more than willing to spend with my new family figuring it all out together. I supposed it is just our next big adventure.

 Babies & expectations like oil & water

It’s taken me a while and I am still not very good at it but I try and remove all expectations in my life. It helps with anger, frustration, and really a mix of emotions. Nothing bad can happen and there really is no worry if you don’t have a set expectation on how a situation might turn out or on how a person should act. Don’t get me wrong, basic human courtesy and manners are two things not all cultures understand and that still upsets me because I will always have the expectation that people should be decent but I digress…

There is one thing I have learned in my short amount of time being a parent and that is having expectations on how anything in life with children should go is ridiculous. I expected to be able to breastfeed my son when he was born. I had no clue there was a possibility or really even an option that it would not work out. I am a woman, I had a baby, and boobs should make milk… expectations… I expected all would be right with the world and I would save money! Nope that didn’t work out and what happens when you have expectations? Your hopes and dreams (only for that situation) go down in flames. I then had the expectation I could get pregnant again. I expect that I am young, I have a husband, I don’t do drugs, I am healthy, and why wouldn’t I be able to get pregnant again? Again…. wrong… three times over… well I could get pregnant I guess the expectation was that keeping a baby throughout an entire pregnancy would be the easy part…. Nope. Hopes and dreams dashed upon the rocks. Then BAM! We’re pregnant again. This time, I have removed all expectations on if it would actually come to fruition. Will it work out? Who knows? I didn’t expect anything to go in any particular way and surprisingly there was much less stress and worry (it was still there but less).

I did however have expectations on how I would give birth this go around. I just assumed another natural birth (with the pain meds) would happen. I expected this child and her birth would be similar to that of my sons but apparently not. I didn’t expect for this baby to be breech. I didn’t expect for this baby to only have one umbilical cord artery. I didn’t expect that with an entire pregnancy of normal growth and ultrasound reports to hear today that at 37 weeks she is only 2.6kg. I didn’t expect to have to have a scheduled C-section next week… but it’s all happening. My expectations were not met. Am I upset about the c-section? Not really. My plan ultimately is to have a kid that is alive and well come labor time. Am I worried about the low birth weight? Sure I am but that’s probably normal given the situation with the single umbilical cord artery.

I said I tried to remove expectations from my life and it looks like I haven’t done that great of a job doing so. However, I do expect God to be with me during all of this and I know that to be true.

Friends & family: We ask for your prayers for our daughter, the doctors, our peace of mind and for a speedy recovery.